

28.September 2024

”Best Short Film”
Déjà Nu wins “Zürcher Filmpreis”

Jury Statement: “An experimental short film that offers what makes a felicitous short film: nothing is a must -  everything is a can. It surprises, confuses, baffles and hypnotizes with a multi-faceted visual language and triggers a kaleidoscope of emotions, while the unconventional approach to the production is also convincing, sets standards and deserves attention. A refreshing and fantastically realized short film that unanimously impressed the jury.”


27.September 2024

Trinker- Schnecke 

This is a picture of the extremely rare “Steintränentrinker-Schnecke” (in english: stone teardrop drinker snail), which can only be found in the Sihlfeld cemetery in Zurich. If you find this snail and get a drop of its slime on your eyes, you will go blind and at the same time certain stones will come to life for you.

14.September 2024

”Best Video Art”
Déjà Nu wins at Festival de Cine Arte Venezuela 

Jury Statement: “Deja nu is a daring and poetic proposal of great complexity. It is a transgressive piece in its construction, in its conjunction of luminous and dark aesthetic elements. Through an excellent handling of the photographic image and camera movements, it awakens emotional connections and leaves to the free construction of our interpretation, according to our cultural realities, an unconventional image, a soundtrack that accompanies the poetic discourse, an acting and artistic direction through performance. It has elements of video dance and a certain documentary value, with its polycultural load. It is definitely on the border and is an exceptional case of contemporary experimental cinema."

25.März 2024

”Democracy in everyday life”
Dirt Devil 550XS on Arte TV 

Arte has made a report about our movie "Dirt Devil 550 XS".

01.March 2023

”Déjà Nu” at Festivals

Screening at Tampere Film Festival, Finnland, March 2024
Screening at Regards, Saguenay Film Festival, Canada, March 2024
Screening at the Ann Arbor Film Festival, USA, March 2024

02.November 2123

in 100 years  

01.November 2023

”Déjà Nu”
in Berlin, Bogota and Nairobi

Screening at the Short Film Festival Interfilm, in Berlin, Germany, 16./17.Nov
Screening at the Human Rights Film Festival, Under Our Skin, in Nairobi Kenya, 09-16.Nov
Screening at the Bogotà Short Film Festival, BogoShorts in Colombia, 05-12.Dec

28.Oktober 2023

”Déjà Nu” & “Mitglied”
Short Films im Kino Xenix 
Premiere with Crew and Friends in Switzerland

Come and see our new short films im Kino Xenix in Zurich, 28.Oktober 2023, 14h.

”Déja Nu”, fiction experimental, 15min
“Mitglied”, fiction experimental, 46min

05. - 09.September 2023

performance Ars Electronica 

We will show our new Oszilot sound experiments at Ars Electronica in Linz. Come and listen to one of our four concert between 05. - 09.September in Austria.

The Jury statement at Prix Ars Electronica for the honorable Mention of Oszilot: In The Queer Art of Failure(2011), Jack Halberstam praises the “wondrous anarchy of childhood” as offering a stark contrast to structured and disciplined formats of creativity or knowledge. There is something truly reminiscent and nostalgic within the playful innocence of OSZILOT and that is its success. Combining analogue objects and digitizing their sound through gyro sensors, this sonic interpretation is at once extremely satisfying to the ear whilst reanimating our imaginations by giving new meaning to objects which, as “adults,” we might erroneously write off as mundane. We love that the piece invites its audience to come and interact with an orchestra of table chairs, pots, and vases brought to life. Play is always more fun when it’s collective anyway.

01.September 2023

”Déjà Nu”
short film  at Odense Film Festival

Voices, rhythms, sculptures, existences of nature and civilization intertwine into an audiovisual poem.

This will be the world premiere in Denmark.

04.Juni 2023

”Déjà Nu”
Crew Screening  in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Thanks to the cast & crew and the lively discussions around our film.
With Laetitia Ky, Sylvia Ouattara, Jean-Luc Yonhite, Moya Kouakou Kan, Olivia Emmanuelle Yvonne, Ahmed Kone, Rolf Hellat and guests.

03.März 2022

”Zürich - Abidjan”
on my way with the bycicle

Since 4 months i am traveling southwards, living an experience of extreme loneliness and immense togetherness.

31.Okt 2021

”Dirt Devil 550 XS”
wins Audience Award

Thanks to the Vevey Film Festival Audience for the “Best Short Film”-Award for our Film Dirt Devil 550 XS!

01.Okt 2021

at Kurzfilmnacht

Our Shortfilm “Kurzsicht” will be screened at the Kurzfilmnacht Switzerland.
Friday, 01.Okt, Kino Orient in Baden, 19:00
Saturday, 02.Okt, Kino Center Schloss, Aarau, 19:00

05.Sept 2021

Award for “Dirt Devil 550 XS” Filmkunstfest MV
“Dirt Devil 550 XS” wins “Best Short Film” at the Filmkunstfest in Schwerin.

„Gemeinschaftlich getroffene Entscheidungen fordern nicht nur die Welt heraus, wenn sie sich gerade in einer Pandemie befindet, oder ein Land kurz vor der Bundestagswahl, sondern auch eine kleine Schweizer Wohngemeinschaft, die sich am Küchentisch versammelt hat um über den Kauf eines neuen Staubsaugers abzustimmen. Der Dirt Devil 550 XS ist dabei das titelgebende Profi-Gerät, dass offensichtlich die einzig richtige Wahl darstellt, gäbe es da nicht noch das Modell Dyson 4, mit weniger Saugkraft aber zu einem kleineren Preis. Als dann noch mangelnde Körperhygiene und Fingernägel in der Badewanne ins Spiel kommen, wird die Sache erst richtig kompliziert. Dem Regisseur und Autor Rolf Hellat ist es in seinem Kurzfilm gelungen, mit Humor und äußerster Präzision einen unaufgeregten Blick auf unsere Wohlstandsgesellschaft zu werfen. Seine schlichte Metapher benötigt dabei keinen didaktischen Verweis auf größere Zusammenhänge, der Film vertraut seinem Publikum und überlässt die Deutung uns. Trotz aller Ironie und Kauzigkeit nimmt der Film seine Figuren auf liebevolle Art immer ernst und lädt uns ohne die Erhebung des vorwurfsvollen Zeigefingers dazu ein, in Anbetracht schwieriger Entscheidungen als Menschen näher zusammen zu rücken.“

Danke Filmkunstfest Schwerin.

04.Sept 2021


We will give a OSZILOT concert at the OSLO NIGHT in Basel.
04.Sept 2021, Freilager-Platz 9, 4142 Münchenstein, in the evening and in the night.

03.Sept 2021


We will give a OSZILOT concert at the Theaterspektakel-Festival in Zurich.
Saturday, 03.Sept 2021, 22:00, Zentralbühne Landiwiese, Zürich.
Free entry.

28.August 2021


As part of “Earth Beats”, a series of events by the Kunsthaus Zurich that takes up the debate about climate change, we are showing OSZILOT as a sound contribution.

For more specific contributions to climate change, we recommend the following article from the Tagi-Magi: "A Guide to Save the World"

Saturday, 28.August 2021, 20:00, Kunsthaus Chipperfield-Bau, Garten der Kunst.
Tickets here.

17.June 2021

at Palm Springs ShortFest

The film is selected for Best Live-Action Short.

12.June 2021

“OSZILOT”concert at Schlachthof Zürich by Guerilla Classics

We are pleased to be performing OSZILOT in a very special place in Zurich: in the imposing hall of the largest slaughterhouse in Switzerland. After half a year of experimenting and composing behind closed doors, #guerillaclassics lured us out of our chambers again. Their specialty is to present musical performances in unconventional locations.
OSZILOT is an audiovisual interplay of lost objects, vibrations, bodies, time and gravity.

12.June, 20:30 - 21:30, Herdernstrasse 59.
Get your ticket here.
(Limited visitors)

22.Jan 2021


The festival is happening online only. “Dirt Devil 550 XS” will be available as online stream during 22-25.Jan 2021 here.

08.December 2020


The film “Epilog” is selected for the Belgium Film Festival, which will be held online during 05-12.December 2020. You can get online access here.

“ConcertPerformance OSZILOT

Luc und Rolf will give a concert, 4.December 2020, 20:00, Herdernstrasse 56, Zurich - during the “Best-Of-Visarte at ArtCon”.


The film “Epilog” is shown in the “International Louis Le Prince Competition”, which will be held online only during 03-19.November 2020.

“THE GAME”wins a price for best Editing

The Sulmona International Film Festival 2020 in Italy honours the Editing of “THE GAME”
“For the ability to use the editing as a second (and perhaps first) direction, developing multiple dramaturgical points of view and inspiring the viewer through a precise design with great narrative balance.”

“THE GAME” also won the price for “Best Short Documentary”.

“DIRT DEVIL 550 XS”International Premiere at CURTA CINEMA in RIO DE JANEIRO

The film “Dirt Devil 550 XS” participates in the brazilian film festival, which will be held online during 20-27.November 2020.


“THE GAME”World Premiere at BIENNALE in VENICE

The Documentary “The Game” will celebtrate its premiere at the 77th Venice International Film Festival 2020. 10.September 20:00.

Director: Roman Hodel
Editor: Rolf Hellat
Producer: Ensemble Film, Franziska Sonder

A whistle. The crowd roars. Players protest. In the middle of it, the referee. He decides - and directs the energy of an entire stadium. 


06.Nov 2020Expanded Cinema, Casino Theater, Winterthur, www.kurzfilmtage.ch

02.August 2020Les Digitales, Parc de Montbenon, Lausanne, www.lesdigitales.ch

24./25.Juli 2020

Hyperlokal, Grubenstrasse 39, Zurich, 21:00, www.hyperlokal.ch
A concert in which objects create a new form of oscillatory music.
Luc Gut and Rolf Hellat play sculpture instruments that use sensors to generate sound through their own oscillation. An archaic physical world is linked to digital sound synthesis.

OSZILOT invites you to reflect on the meaning of time, gravity and music.





3 Short FilmsKir Royal, Langstrasse 62, Zurich

17:00 Apéro
17:30 Short Films
18:15 Post-Apéro

„EPILOG“, fiction, 10 min, Director: Rolf Hellat
Von Auf- und Abgängen in einem überreifen Sonnenblumenfeld.

„RAKIJADA“, documentary, 19 min, Director: Nikolas Ilic
Durch die Schnappsolympiade in die serbische Seele. Ein beschwingter Film aus einem Dorf, das Widerstand leistet.

„22:47 BUS LINIE 34“, fiction, 10 min, Director: Michael Karrer
Nacht in einem Bus in dem die Stimmung kippt.